What is Buchanan Project?

Good question.

Buchanan Project started out as a solo travel blog where I could share my Gap Year travels with friends and family. As Buchanan Project expanded, it turned into a collaborative effort between me and my older brother, Chris, who is also taking a gap year.

Just like our trips, we’re entirely committed but have little clue what we’re doing.

By having a travel page, we hope to inspire others to go out of their comfort zones, experience the world in new ways, and dive head-first into adventure. By August 2019, we hope that we have created a collection of stories, reflections, and photographs that are not only meaningful to us, but also to others.

Buchanan Project is not a refined pile of superficial moments, but a raw sample the struggles, mistakes, and surprises experienced this year.

Please enjoy our ups and downs, moments of bliss and misery, excitement and boredom, and follow along as we push ourselves to new limits, get stuck in remote crevasses and on tiny islands, and fully commit ourselves to Buchanan Project.

The world is a massive place with countless stories.

Enjoy ours.

-Andrew Buchanan